Saturday, July 23, 2016

Flexibility and Adventures of a Lifetime

Wow, today was such an adventure! The day started at 8 this morning with a delicious breakfast and then we headed up the mountain at 9! Our original plan to go up the mountain fell through, so we found an alternative! Some of our team rode in a pickup truck, but the leaders and a few of the older students got to ride motorcycles. It was such a great experience and the views were out of this world. It was about an hour up the mountain and when we arrived we were greeted with the sweetest mountain. We did a skit of our Peter walking on the water story and led them in making the Christ necklaces. They were so grateful for us and it was so incredible to see their love for one another and patience. We had the opportunity to play with the kids and explore the site. We began to head down the mountain to go back to Wahoo Bay. In the afternoon many of us went to the beach and some of us sat around and talked. We had dinner and a wonderful devotion led by the seniors and graduates. Tonight has been filled with fellowship, laughter, and so much love. This has been such an amazing trip and there is so much undeniable love in this trip.

“Today we went up the mountain to spread God’s love. It was an interesting adventure up the mountain, but I'm thankful that God watched over all of us and got us there and back safely.”
-Kate Boerger

“This whole week has been amazing and we are all so grateful we are able to be here to spread God’s joy. Today was especially great because our team traveled up a mountain (via motorcycle!) so we could reach a group of people who have never had team visit them to share the word of God.”

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