Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Taste of Heaven

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Worship with our Haitian brothers and sisters this morning was nothing short of amazing! They love to praise the Lord! Even though our team could comprehend very few of the many words spoken in worship, we didn't need a translator to help us understand exactly what was going on. I know without  a doubt that we experienced a foretaste of what awaits us in Heaven! People of every nation and every tongue will be gathered at the throne of the Lamb praising the One who alone is worthy of our praise.

After worship we enjoyed a great feast at the church and then had some time to play with the kids and get a game of basketball (USA vs. Haiti) going.  Our secret weapon, Tom Curtis ensured a USA victory! Woot! Woot!

We gathered everyone together in a circle and prayed with those still gathered at the church (a large number still) before we loaded up and headed back for a relaxing afternoon. Many tears were shed by team members and Haitians alike. Goodbyes are always difficult, but we cling to the HOPE that we will see each other again, if not on earth, then for sure in Heaven!

We will leave our hotel at 7am tomorrow and begin the long journey home! We are so grateful for your prayer support and for all of the ways you have been a blessing to the people of Christ the King. I told them about our Lord of Life church family, and told them that our team will be telling you all about them next Sunday.

Before I sign off I want to give a shout out to Katie Overman for doing my hair even as I write this blog! Check out my Twitter account (@Hellyer Lisa) for pics!

Creole Lesson #6: zanmi mwen = My friend

Lisa :)
On Behalf of the January Haiti Mission Team

Friday, January 11, 2013

My thoughts about Fridays in Haiti

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fridays in Haiti are always hard on me, and probably on our team as well! I think it is because we know it is our last full day with the people of Merotte. I know for sure the Haitians know it is our last day of the medical clinic as well as holding VBS. Saturdays are market days and Sundays are for church, so everyone's work must be completed by Friday.

Because it is our last day, the desperation of the people is intense. They are desperate for a doctor to examine them or their child. They are extremely anxious that it may not happen because of the limited number of people we can see in a day. I would be that desperate too if I were in their shoes. Seeing the people on Friday always brings me back to the New Testament story of Jesus being sought after by the crowds. The Bible says that he saw the crowd and had compassion on them because they were helpless, like sheep without a shepard.

At the end of the day on Friday, the reality is that we have to turn people away. We can't say to them that we can see them tomorrow. It is our last day. It's hard--very hard! The reality of the situation always takes its toll on the team.

I don't mean at all to say it wasn't a good day. It was a good day with lots of laughter and play and stronger relationships because of Jesus. One of my favorite "pictures" of the day came when I was walking back over to the medical clinic. I glanced over at the basketball court and saw a group of our guys gathered in a circle with some children. They were praying! I love that! After they prayed, they played a great game of basketball. Finding little moments like that, when our team is sharing faith and Jesus with our Haitian brothers and sisters, makes the difficulties of turning people away a little less painful.

Today was a hard day! Today was a great day!

Devotion for today: 2 Timothy 3:10-17, talking about staying strong in the Word of God especially in preparation for the times of persecution that are sure to come.

Creole Lesson #5: Pa Pale Creole = I don't speak Creole!

More tomorrow!

Lisa :)
On behalf to January Team Haiti

Thursday, January 10, 2013

This is the Day The Lord Has Made

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Another great day in Haiti! Things are going amazingly smooth on the mission field. People on our team are doing a great job in each of their respective areas of ministry.

Our VBS story today was on Saul's conversion to Christianity. Talking to the kids about how God used Saul despite all that he had done and the connection to our lives is that God does the same with us. Imperfect as we are, God still chooses us to be His own and to spread the truth of His love to everyone. We made necklaces that used various colors to share the story of Jesus. The students loved their necklaces.

Some of our team who played sports with kids were also able to stop the games for awhile in order to talk about Jesus with them--the whole reason we are here. Very cool moments on and off the fields of play.

A few days ago I wrote about a young girl that we took to the hospital because she had  a fever, had been vomiting, and other abdominal issues for 5 days. She was lethargic and needed hydration in the worst way. Today, she came back to the clinic looking healthy, energetic, and happy! It was so great to see her healthy! She and her family hung around the clinic for awhile and even helped to distribute some of the health care kits.

A good day! We're anxious to start again tomorrow.

Today's Devotional Scripture: Mark 9:33-37

Creole Lesson #4 - Jezi' remen ou! = Jesus loves you!

More tomorrow. Pictures are found on my twitter feed @HellyerLisa

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Beginnings

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Our second full day at Christ the King was a rousing success. We were able to get all of our translators working in each of the different areas which made a huge difference! Trying to teach kids certain sport skills with the help of a translator worked great. The kids are absolutely loving the volleyball! We put the net up this morning and had 20 or so kids playing on each side of the net. Tons of fun!

We made a few minor tweaks to the medical clinic as well, which helped our team to be more efficient. Also a huge blessing! We again saw over 100 patients today. We saw one boy who needed surgery pretty quickly. We gave the family the money they needed to get their son to Port au Prince where one of the hospitals would be able to help him. We are praying he is able to get the help he needs.

We fitted the kindergarten students with shoes today and were able to give a pair of tennis shoes or flip flops to everyone. We still have one more class of students to fit for shoes and hope to get to do that tommorow.

Today's Scripture study for us: Mark 12:29-34, which details the story of Jesus being asked the question about the greatest commandment. He gives the greatest answer, which is to love God and to love others. It served as a good reminder for us to demonstrate our love for Him by loving the people here in Haiti and also those back home. How does that scripture impact you?

Creole Lesson #3: fre mwen = my brother; se mwen = my sister

Check out my twitter feeds to see pictures at @HellyerLisa

Lisa :)
On behalf of January Team Haiti

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wow! What a day!

Live from Haiti on Tuesday night!

First of all, thanks for all the comments! Keep them coming.

We had a great day today--our first full day on the worksite. Here's a snipet from each area:

  • VBS started the day off right. We had 2 groups of people present the story and work with kids on crafts. Each group visited 3 classrooms and gave the kids a break from school as they participated in telling the story of Creation and then made God's eyes as their craft. The students were attentive to the story and love all the ways the team acted out God's Word. We're looking forward to another day with the kids in VBS.
  • The shoe fittings went super well except for the fact that a lot of kids in the school have a similar size foot, meaning we ran out of the needed sizes. If we didn't have a tennis shoe to give them, or if they didn't need tennis shoes, we fitted them with flip flops or gave them candy. In any case, the kids went away happy. I wish I could describe to you the way the kid's smiles lit up the room as they got a pair of shoes. I saw one kid later in the day showing his friends the new shoes he got. Such pride and sheer happiness! We're going to measure and fit the kindergarten students on Wednesday. 
  • The basketball and volleyball clinics didn't happen very well today. We were short on translators and therefore had a difficult time trying to communicate what we were trying to teach them. After dinner tonight, the children's ministry team met and devised a new plan for tomorrow. We will try again and definitely covet your prayers for the communication pieces that need some tweaking. 

  • The medical clinic went very smoothly. We saw over 100 patients today and had a great system set up for getting their vitals and getting them the meds they need. We did have one little girl brought in by her mother. The girl was lethargic due to having bloody diarrhea, vomitting, and fever for 5 days. We didn't have any salineeeee IVs so a small team of us were able to get her to the local hospital to get some labwork done and to rehydrate her. The girl's father met us at the hospital and stayed with his wife and daughter the rest of the day. It is the first time we've seen both a mother and father involved in the care of thier child. By the end of the day, the little girl was able to walk on her own to the bathroom and was showing signs of vast improvement. She was battling a parasite and needed hydration and proper meds to get rid of the parasite. Without hydration, her prognosis would be a very sad story. We are grateful for the care we were able to give her! 

  • We are amazed at how God works in the most amazing ways through his people. To Him alone be the glory!

Creole Lesson #2: Pa Kompren = I don't understand! 

We say this A LOT!!! 

We're looking forward to watching God do His thing once again as we interact with the children, teachers, and neighbors of Christ the King Lutheran Church.

Lisa :)
On behalf of Haiti Team January

Monday, January 7, 2013

Live from Haiti - All is Well

It's Monday, January 7 and I am happy to report that all 32 people on our mission team arrived safe and sound in the great country of Haiti!

Upon arrival to the airport, those of us who have been to Haiti before were impressed by the new improvements to the airport. The airport just opened a newly completed wing in December. We are among the first to experience awesome restroom facilities, new immigration kiosks, and an expanded and air conditioned baggage claim area in which to gather before we go through customs.

For those of you praying for God to smooth the way through customs, thank you! They searched just a few of our bags and didn't open a single one that contained prescription meds. It isn't illegal for us to bring prescription meds into the country, but customs agents can sometimes make life difficult. None of that happened and we cruised right through.

From the airport, we made the 40 mile journey to Christ the King Lutheran Church in Merotte, Haiti where the children were anxiously awaiting our arrival. We were very happy to see them as well, and begin to reconnect and build new relationships.

We were able to get the supplies easily organized. Tomorrow morning we will be doing the Children's Event in each of the classrooms, sharing with them the story of Creation and making God's Eyes with them as our craft. We will also be fitting children in the school with tennis shoes and socks. Very exciting. When the kids saw the tennis shoes they were very excited. I can hardly wait to see their faces when they walk away with a pair! We will take lots of pictures!

The medical clinic will also open tomorrow as well as basketball and volleyball clinics. We are well on our way and are anxious to get started.

Be sure to look for our daily updates and feel free to comment. I'll try to read your comments to the team when we gather for breakfast or dinner.

Today's Devotional Meditation: John 13:1-17. We answered these questions:

  • What is the main point of these verses?
  • How did these verses impress me and what will I do about it?
  • Today I am praying for...

Creole Lesson #1: Bondye Bon = God is good
                              Tu tan = All the time

There will be a test upon our return, so study up!

Bondye Bon! Tu Tan!

Lisa :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ready to Watch God Work!

In just 3 short days, 32 of us will be making our wait to Merotte, Haiti - a small town about 40 miles north of the capital city of Port au Prince. We started planning this trip as we were saying our farewells to our Haitian brothers and sisters one year ago. To see it finally getting this close seems almost surreal in a way. I'm not sure it will feel real until our plane starts coming in for a landing on Monday morning in Port au Prince. Whether it feels real or not, doesn't really matter--it is happening so I better get ready for what God is going to do in the hearts and lives of His people--Haitians and Americans.

We established a relationship with Christ the King Lutheran Church in 2002, sending our first team of missionaries there to help build a school and to run a VBS for the local children. Since that time, this will be the 6th team from Lord of Life to continue our partnership there. In these years we have built an elementary school, built a preschool, run VBS for hundreds if not thousands of children, added a second story to the elementary school (roof will be completed by our March, 2013 team); seen thousands of patients in our medical clinic; and built a basketball court. This January team will continue the work of building relationships with the people of Merotte by running a VBS for the children, offering quality medical care in our clinic, coaching children and adults in the game of basketball, building a sand volleyball court, and coaching children and adults in the game of volleyball.

Another exciting thing for us is that we are taking 2 others with us from St. Matthew in Lee's Summit who will be learning how to lead this sort of mission effort in their own congregation. We are partnering them with St. Mark's in St. Marc, Haiti. We are praying that a long-term relationship is built and that God's people are encouraged by this new-formed relationship.

I will be blogging on a regular basis from Haiti and sending tweets as well. Feel free to follow me at @Hellyerlisa for all the latest as we travel and do our work.

Lisa :)