On Saturday morning most of the team went to the market in order to have a little fun and to experience a little of what life is like in this country. We divided into four teams with each team armed with 800 Gourdes and having objectives. Each team had to find Lisette, a member of Christ the King who was given a business loan from Merotte. Once they found her, the teams had to purchase a bottle of oil from her. The teams also had to buy the most unique item, spend the most money without spending all of it, and take the most interesting selfie. It was a lot of fun! One team came back with a live chicken, another with a baby pig, now know as Midnight because she is all black, and another team with a cow stomach and testicles. Oh my! None of those teams won the most unique item. The winning team came back with various ingredients to make a complete Haitian meal--not really unique at all (not that I'm bitter or anything). What made them the winning team was an experience they had while walking around. Toward the end of their time, one of the men who had attended our men's Bible study came up to Jacob and said, "Thanks for that Book (the Bible) you gave me. I stayed up reading it last night and gave my life to Christ!" So amazing! God is so good and we give Him the glory. I'll lose to that story every day of the week!
We also packed up the remaining medicines and delivered them to the local hospital. The staff there was once again very gracious to our team of providers. They were given a tour and talked a little about how we can work together in the future.
This morning we are headed to worship. The team has been learning, 10,000 Reasons in Creole so we can sing it in worship today. That will be a blessing to us and to our Haitian brothers and sisters.
Blessings to all of you on this Lord's Day!
On behalf of Team Haiti 2016
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