Our time in Haiti is drawing to a fast close, but these last couple of days have been so great. On Saturday we had a unique experience in that we got to tour Port au Prince, with an exclusive escort by the Mayor of Port au Prince and his security detail. Colleen Stewart, one of our team members is connected to the Mayor through her sister-in-law, who is from Haiti. Colleen and the Mayor set it up for us to drive around the cities of Port au Prince, Delmas and Petionville. We were able to see the progress that is being made since the earthquake just 3 years ago.
From our tour, we returned to Merotte to have lunch and then clean and organize the things we used in VBS and the clinics. We were also able to set up a room with all the shoes and extra supplies we brought for the church to distribute to their members and those in the community who are in need.
This morning we got to do one of my most favorite parts of the week--worship at Christ the King. Much of the service is spoken in Creole so we don't always know the songs or what is being said, but we definitely know what is going on; they are praising the same God we love and serve. The leaders at Christ the King always ask me to share the message on Sunday and I can't really explain what a privilege it is to speak and share the Gospel. Among the highlights in worship were the songs sung by the choir and a couple of young men. It was extremely encouraging to our team to hear some of their songs being sung in English. When the choir sang our team members were busy taking pictures and capturing the moment on video. Another highlight was that our team sang in church as well. What was cool is that several of the church members took out their phones to capture us on video. It was encouraging to see them so moved by what we were doing that they wanted to get it on video.
After church several members of our team and many church members went on a prayer walk around the perimeter of the campus. We stopped 5 different times along the way to pray specifically for various aspects of the ministry at Christ the King. It was a great way to celebrate the ministry together. Chris Drews shared her vision to someday be able to bring an eye surgeon who can help people with their cataracts--a huge need here. One of the church members prayed for that, but then also prayed that God would make a way for Christ the King to open a hospital. Wow! There's a vision!
We wrapped up our goodbyes at Christ the King with many tears. So difficult to leave after building great relationships all week. Once we got back to the hotel, we had a little down time to enjoy the ocean and get cleaned up before dinner. Our dinner was served tonight in a private room by candlelight. It gave us an opportunity to be together as a team and to prepare our hearts to go home.
We have missed you, our senders and are anxious to share all of this ministry with you. If you live near the KC area, we would love to have you join us at Lord of Life next Sunday to hear all about it and to watch our video.
Thanks for your prayer support and all the ways you come alongside this ministry as our Senders! We love and value you a great deal!
Lisa :)
On behalf of Team Haiti 2014
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