Thursday, January 10, 2013

This is the Day The Lord Has Made

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Another great day in Haiti! Things are going amazingly smooth on the mission field. People on our team are doing a great job in each of their respective areas of ministry.

Our VBS story today was on Saul's conversion to Christianity. Talking to the kids about how God used Saul despite all that he had done and the connection to our lives is that God does the same with us. Imperfect as we are, God still chooses us to be His own and to spread the truth of His love to everyone. We made necklaces that used various colors to share the story of Jesus. The students loved their necklaces.

Some of our team who played sports with kids were also able to stop the games for awhile in order to talk about Jesus with them--the whole reason we are here. Very cool moments on and off the fields of play.

A few days ago I wrote about a young girl that we took to the hospital because she had  a fever, had been vomiting, and other abdominal issues for 5 days. She was lethargic and needed hydration in the worst way. Today, she came back to the clinic looking healthy, energetic, and happy! It was so great to see her healthy! She and her family hung around the clinic for awhile and even helped to distribute some of the health care kits.

A good day! We're anxious to start again tomorrow.

Today's Devotional Scripture: Mark 9:33-37

Creole Lesson #4 - Jezi' remen ou! = Jesus loves you!

More tomorrow. Pictures are found on my twitter feed @HellyerLisa


  1. Hi Lisa
    I look forward to and so enjoy reading your blogs every day. God's blessings to the group and special hugs for my dear grandchildren and their awesome Mother. Love you.Overman's Mimi

  2. Hugs back to u Mimi. Xoxox
