Sunday, August 25, 2013

Greater Things 2013

And they're off! It was so exciting to gather this morning at Lord of Life on Greater Things Sunday. I get a real kick out of seeing everyone come to church in shorts and their Greater Things t-shirts. No ties! No dresses! Just sandals, shorts, and a t-shirt. Awesome! The excitement in the room is so cool too! Everyone is ready to go with their team to serve the community around us.

One of the things I'm thinking about this morning is the affluence of our neighborhood. One of the areas we are serving is the subdivision closest to us. In fact, as I look out my office window, I can see the houses. This particular neighborhood has a starting home cost of around $800,000.00. Why would we serve there? What needs could they possibly have that we could meet? The reason we serve there and other places in our neighborhood just like it, is the reality that everyone needs Jesus. I think our neighbors wonder if our church cares about them, if we live our faith outside the walls of our building, and if we see them. Today the answer is "YES!" We see you! We care about you! We want to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus to you!

We are also serving those in our surrounding area who have low incomes. Today we are fixing cars, cleaning houses, and tidying up yards of those who are low income, disabled, or elderly. We are also going to area nursing homes, washing cars with no strings attached, giving gas to those who need it, offering gift cards, working with troubled teens at Marillac, delivering gift bags to those working at the businesses around us, bringing donuts to police and fire stations, and the list goes on! Almost 300 people mobilized to be the hands, feet and voice of Jesus! Awesome!

God is writing a powerful story in the lives of us and in the lives of those He places in our paths to serve today! One of the people serving with us today is a lady who has been on the receiving end of the service the past 3 years. That's amazing!

I can't wait for people to come back for lunch to tell the stories of impact. God is faithful! He will do it! Just feeling blessed to be part of a church who wants to serve the world around them!

Lisa :)